Retrouver la liste des universités de l’état et la ville dans laquelle se trouve l’établissement
School                            City                                             
Aiken Technical CollegeGraniteville
Allen UniversityColumbia
Anderson UniversityAnderson
Benedict CollegeColumbia
Bob Jones UniversityGreenville
Brown Mackie CollegeGreenville
Cathedral Bible CollegeMyrtle Beach
Central Carolina Technical CollegeSumter
Centura College – ColumbiaColumbia
Charleston School of LawCharleston
Charleston Southern UniversityCharleston
Citadel Military College of South CarolinaCharleston
Claflin UniversityOrangeburg
Clemson UniversityClemson
Clinton Junior CollegeRock Hill
Coastal Carolina UniversityConway
Coker CollegeHartsville
College of CharlestonCharleston
Columbia CollegeColumbia
Columbia International UniversityColumbia
Converse CollegeSpartanburg
Denmark Technical CollegeDenmark
Erskine College and SeminaryDue West
Florence-Darlington Technical CollegeFlorence
Francis Marion UniversityFlorence
Furman UniversityGreenville
Golf Academy of AmericaMyrtle Beach
Greenville Technical CollegeGreenville
Horry-Georgetown Technical CollegeConway
ITT Technical InstituteColumbia, Greenville
Lander UniversityGreenwood
Limestone CollegeGaffney
Lutheran Theological Southern SeminaryColumbia
Medical Careers InstituteColumbia, Greenville, North Charleston
Medical University of South CarolinaCharleston
Midlands Technical CollegeWest Columbia
Morris CollegeSumter
Newberry CollegeNewberry
North Greenville UniversityTigerville
Northeastern Technical CollegeCheraw
Orangeburg Calhoun Technical CollegeOrangeburg
Piedmont Technical CollegeGreenwood
Presbyterian CollegeClinton
Remington CollegeColumbia
Sherman College of Straight ChiropracticSpartanburg
South Carolina State UniversityOrangeburg
Southeastern InstituteColumbia, North Charleston
Southern Wesleyan UniversityCentral
Spartanburg Community CollegeSpartanburg
Spartanburg Methodist CollegeSpartanburg
Strayer UniversityColumbia, Greenville, North Charleston
Technical College of the LowcountryBeaufort
The Art InstitutesCharleston
Tri-County Technical CollegePendleton
Trident Technical CollegeCharleston
University of PhoenixColumbia
University of South Carolina-AikenAiken
University of South Carolina-BeaufortBluffton
University of South Carolina-ColumbiaColumbia
University of South Carolina-LancasterLancaster
University of South Carolina-SalkehatchieAllendale
University of South Carolina-SumterSumter
University of South Carolina-UnionUnion
University of South Carolina-UpstateSpartanburg
Voorhees CollegeDenmark
Williamsburg Technical CollegeKingstree
Winthrop UniversityRock Hill
Wofford CollegeSpartanburg
York Technical CollegeRock Hill

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