Retrouver la liste des universités de l’état et la ville dans laquelle se trouve l’établissement
School                                                                             City             
Albright CollegeReading
Allegheny CollegeMeadville
American CollegeBryn Mawr
Arcadia UniversityGlenside
Baptist Bible College and SeminaryClarks Summit
Bethel Seminary of the EastWillow Grove
Biblical Theological SeminaryHatfield
Bidwell Training CenterPittsburgh
Bloomsburg University of PennsylvaniaBloomsburg
Bryn Athyn College of the New ChurchBryn Athyn
Bryn Mawr CollegeBryn Mawr
Bucknell UniversityLewisburg
Bucks County Community CollegeNewtown
Butler County Community CollegeButler
Cabrini CollegeRadnor
Calvary Baptist Theological SeminaryLansdale
Cambria Rowe Business CollegeJohnstown
Cambria-Rowe Business CollegeIndiana
Carlow UniversityPittsburgh
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh
Cedar Crest CollegeAllentown
Chestnut Hill CollegePhiladelphia
Cheyney University of PennsylvaniaCheyney
Clarion University of PennsylvaniaClarion
Commonwealth Technical InstituteJohnstown
Community College of Allegheny CountyPittsburgh
Community College of Beaver CountyMonaca
Community College of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia
Consolidated School of BusinessYork
Consolidated School of BusinessLancaster
Dean Institute of TechnologyPittsburgh
Delaware County Community CollegeMedia
Delaware Valley CollegeDoylestown
DeSales UniversityCenter Valley
Dickinson CollegeCarlisle
Douglas Education CenterMonessen
Drexel UniversityPhiladelphia
Du Bois Business CollegeDu Bois
Duquesne UniversityPittsburgh
East Stroudsburg University of PennsylvaniaEast Stroudsburg
Eastern UniversitySaint Davids
Edinboro University of PennsylvaniaEdinboro
Elizabethtown CollegeElizabethtown
Erie Business CenterErie
Erie Institute of TechnologyErie
Evangelical Theological SeminaryMyerstown
Franklin and Marshall CollegeLancaster
Gannon UniversityErie
Geneva CollegeBeaver Falls
Gettysburg CollegeGettysburg
Gratz CollegeMelrose Park
Grove City CollegeGrove City
Harcum CollegeBryn Mawr
Harrisburg Area Community College-HarrisburgHarrisburg
Harrisburg University of Science and TechnologyHarrisburg
Haverford CollegeHaverford
Holy Family UniversityPhiladelphia
Immaculata UniversityImmaculata
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main CampusIndiana
International Institute for Restorative PracticesBethlehem
Johnson CollegeScranton
Juniata CollegeHuntingdon
Keystone CollegeLa Plume
Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaKutztown
La Roche CollegePittsburgh
La Salle UniversityPhiladelphia
Lackawanna CollegeScranton
Lafayette CollegeEaston
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic MedicineErie
Lancaster General College of Nursing & Health SciencesLancaster
Lancaster Theological SeminaryLancaster
Laurel Business InstituteUniontown
Laurel Technical InstituteSharon
Lebanon Valley CollegeAnnville
Lehigh Carbon Community CollegeSchnecksville
Lehigh UniversityBethlehem
Lincoln University of PennsylvaniaLincoln University
Lock Haven UniversityLock Haven
Lutheran Theological Seminary at GettysburgGettysburg
Lutheran Theological Seminary at PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia
Luzerne County Community CollegeNanticoke
Lycoming CollegeWilliamsport
Manor CollegeJenkintown
Mansfield University of PennsylvaniaMansfield
Marywood UniversityScranton
Mercyhurst CollegeErie
Messiah CollegeGrantham
Millersville University of PennsylvaniaMillersville
Misericordia UniversityDallas
Montgomery County Community College-Central CampusBlue Bell
Montgomery County Community College-West CampusPottstown
Moore College of Art and DesignPhiladelphia
Moravian College and Moravian Theological SeminaryBethlehem
Mount Aloysius CollegeCresson
Muhlenberg CollegeAllentown
Neumann UniversityAston
Northampton County Area Community CollegeBethlehem
Orleans Technical InstitutePhiladelphia
Peirce CollegePhiladelphia
Penn CommercialWashington
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine ArtsPhiladelphia
Pennsylvania College of Art and DesignLancaster
Pennsylvania College of TechnologyWilliamsport
Pennsylvania Highlands Community CollegeJohnstown
Pennsylvania Institute of Health and TechnologyMount Braddock
Pennsylvania Institute of TechnologyMedia
Pennsylvania State University-BrandywineMedia
Pennsylvania State University-College of MedicineHershey
Pennsylvania State University-Main CampusUniversity Park
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State AbingtonAbington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State AltoonaAltoona
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State BeaverMonaca
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State BerksReading
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuboisDubois
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend CollegeErie
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Fayette- Eberly CampusUniontown
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Great ValleyMalvern
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Greater AlleghenyMcKeesport
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State HarrisburgMiddletown
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State HazletonHazleton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Lehigh ValleyCenter Valley
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Mont AltoMont Alto
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State New KensingtonUpper Burrell
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State SchuylkillSchuylkill Haven
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State ShenangoSharon
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Wilkes-BarreLehman
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Worthington ScrantonDunmore
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State YorkYork
Philadelphia Biblical University-LanghorneLanghorne
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic MedicinePhiladelphia
Philadelphia UniversityPhiladelphia
Pittsburgh Institute of AeronauticsWest Mifflin
Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary SciencePittsburgh
Pittsburgh Theological SeminaryPittsburgh
PJA SchoolUpper Darby
Point Park UniversityPittsburgh
Reading Area Community CollegeReading
Reconstructionist Rabbinical CollegeWyncote
Rosedale Technical InstitutePittsburgh
Rosemont CollegeRosemont
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary-OverbrookWynnewood
Saint Francis UniversityLoretto
Saint Joseph’s UniversityPhiladelphia
Saint Vincent CollegeLatrobe
Salus UniversityElkins Park
Seton Hill UniversityGreensburg
Shippensburg University of PennsylvaniaShippensburg
Slippery Rock University of PennsylvaniaSlippery Rock
South Hills School of Business & TechnologyState College
Susquehanna UniversitySelinsgrove
Swarthmore CollegeSwarthmore
Talmudical Yeshiva of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia
Temple UniversityPhiladelphia
Thaddeus Stevens College of TechnologyLancaster
The Curtis Institute of MusicPhiladelphia
The Dickinson School of Law of the Pennsylvania State UniversityCarlisle
The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill CollegePhiladelphia
The University of the ArtsPhiladelphia
Thiel CollegeGreenville
Thomas Jefferson UniversityPhiladelphia
Triangle Tech-BethlehemBethlehem
Triangle Tech-DuboisFalls Creek
Triangle Tech-ErieErie
Triangle Tech-GreensburgGreensburg
Triangle Tech-PittsburghPittsburgh
Triangle Tech-SunburySunbury
Trinity School for MinistryAmbridge
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia
University of Pittsburgh-BradfordBradford
University of Pittsburgh-GreensburgGreensburg
University of Pittsburgh-JohnstownJohnstown
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh CampusPittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh-TitusvilleTitusville
University of ScrantonScranton
University of the Sciences in PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia
Ursinus CollegeCollegeville
Valley Forge Christian CollegePhoenixville
Villanova UniversityVillanova
Washington & Jefferson CollegeWashington
Waynesburg UniversityWaynesburg
West Chester University of PennsylvaniaWest Chester
Westminster CollegeNew Wilmington
Westminster Theological SeminaryGlenside
Westmoreland County Community CollegeYoungwood
Widener University-Harrisburg CampusHarrisburg
Widener University-Main CampusChester
Wilkes UniversityWilkes-Barre
Wilson CollegeChambersburg
York College PennsylvaniaYork
Yorktowne Business InstituteYork

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