Retrouver la liste des universités de l’état et la ville dans laquelle se trouve l’établissement
School                                                        City              
Arkansas Baptist CollegeLittle Rock
Arkansas Northeastern CollegeBlytheville
Arkansas State University-BeebeBeebe
Arkansas State University-Main CampusJonesboro
Arkansas State University-Mountain HomeMountain Home
Arkansas State University-NewportNewport
Arkansas Tech UniversityRussellville
Black River Technical CollegePocahontas
Blue Cliff CollegeFayetteville
Central Baptist CollegeConway
Cossatot Community College of the University of ArkansasDe Queen
Crowley’s Ridge CollegeParagould
East Arkansas Community CollegeForrest City
Ecclesia CollegeSpringdale
Harding UniversitySearcy
Henderson State UniversityArkadelphia
Hendrix CollegeConway
ITT Technical InstituteLittle Rock
John Brown UniversitySiloam Springs
Lyon CollegeBatesville
Mid-South Community CollegeWest Memphis
National Park Community CollegeHot Springs
North Arkansas CollegeHarrison
NorthWest Arkansas Community CollegeBentonville
Ouachita Baptist UniversityArkadelphia
Ouachita Technical CollegeMalvern
Ozarka CollegeMelbourne
Philander Smith CollegeLittle Rock
Phillips Community College of the University of ArkansasHelena
Pulaski Technical CollegeNorth Little Rock
Remington CollegeLittle Rock
Rich Mountain Community CollegeMena
South Arkansas Community CollegeEl Dorado
Southeast Arkansas CollegePine Bluff
Southern Arkansas University Main CampusMagnolia
Southern Arkansas University TechCamden
University of ArkansasFayetteville
University of Arkansas at Little RockLittle Rock
University of Arkansas at MonticelloMonticello
University of Arkansas at Pine BluffPine Bluff
University of Arkansas Community College-BatesvilleBatesville
University of Arkansas Community College-HopeHope
University of Arkansas Community College-MorriltonMorrilton
University of Arkansas for Medical SciencesLittle Rock
University of Arkansas-Fort SmithFort Smith
University of Central ArkansasConway
University of PhoenixLittle Rock, Rogers
University of the OzarksClarksville
Williams Baptist CollegeWalnut Ridge

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